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When you install a customer (or distributed) generation system, you will be charged under the Inflow/Outflow Rate, Net Metering (Rate NM) or Rate QF – which is dependent on your state and system.
Electricity charges fluctuate between summer and winter pricing. Learn more about why the change occurs.
Time-of-Use rates are split up between on-peak, off-peak and all other hours of the day. Residential customers who charge EVs at home may be interested in this rate option. 
Understand how your electric service connects to your home or business, and which portions are your responsibility to maintain.
Illinois Customers and Regulators
  • Illinois Electric Choice - The Illinois Electric Service Customer Choice and Rate Relief Law of 1997 restructured the state's electric service industry. As a result, customers have choices about who supplies the generation portion of their electric power.
  • Illinois Part 280 - Customers can find the rules and regulations that govern deposits, refunds and disconnection of service, among other details. 
  • Illinois Functional Separation 
  • Illinois Part 452.70 Compliance