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Company projects to reach 100% in 2025 if state approves Wind PRIME project
DES MOINES, Iowa – (July 11, 2022) – MidAmerican Energy’s renewable energy mix in Iowa exceeded 88% last year, the Iowa Utilities Board verified last month.
The board’s annual verification order validates the amount of renewable energy MidAmerican delivered over the course of the year, as a percentage of total retail energy the company delivered to its Iowa customers.
At 88.5%, the 2021 figure is five percentage points higher than it was in 2020, due to MidAmerican’s continued investment in wind and solar energy.
If the Iowa Utilities Board approves the company’s proposed Wind PRIME project to add more than 2,000 megawatts of wind generation and 50 megawatts of solar energy, MidAmerican will be able to provide renewable energy equal to its Iowa customers’ annual usage upon completion in 2025. The IUB’s hearing on the project is set for October 31 through November 4.
While wind energy comprises the largest share of MidAmerican’s renewable energy capacity, earlier this year the company placed in-service 66 MW of solar nameplate capacity at six sites, and this year will expand one array by 75 MW.
Net zero goal
Beyond achieving 100% renewable energy on an annual basis, MidAmerican has set a goal to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. While thermal generation will remain necessary for the foreseeable future to maintain reliability, Wind PRIME includes a plan to invest in studying and pursuing emerging lower and noncarbon generation technologies.
“We are proud to provide our customers with 88.5% renewable energy today, but we aren’t stopping there,” Kelcey Brown, MidAmerican Energy president and CEO, said. “We are always planning for the future – and the Wind PRIME project is the next step. That’s a major part of our long-term goal to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions.”
GreenAdvantage program
Through MidAmerican’s GreenAdvantage program, which applies to all MidAmerican electric customers in Iowa at no cost to them, the company enables every customer to claim a verified renewable energy amount, which in 2021, was 88.5%.
“At CJ Bio America, a leading green biotechnology company, our mission and vision are based on sustainability,” Luke Palmer, environmental, social and corporate governance director, CJ Bio America in Fort Dodge, said. “MidAmerican has been on the cutting edge of the renewable energy revolution and we are proud to have them as a utility partner that delivers their unique GreenAdvantage program, which we depend on to meet our sustainability goals. We are also excited about the announcement of Wind PRIME, and MidAmerican’s commitment to deliver 100% renewable energy by 2025, which will continue to provide the competitive and economic advantage we need to grow in Iowa.”  
Wind energy’s economic benefits
MidAmerican’s wind energy fleet, which at 7,300 MW is the largest of any regulated utility in the nation, provides economic benefits to the state beyond its environmental benefits. Through last year, MidAmerican has cumulatively invested some $14 billion in wind energy, so far at no net cost to its customers.
In 2021, the company paid nearly $36 million in property taxes, which help pay for schools, roads and bridges, and medical services at the local and county level. Additionally, MidAmerican paid rural landowners more than $38 million through lease payments.
Renewable energy technicians: two of the top five fastest-growing jobs
With its extensive and future development of wind and solar energy projects, the company is expanding the state’s workforce in some of the nation’s fastest-growing job fields. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, a wind turbine technician is the country’s second fastest-growing job in the nation and a solar photovoltaic installer ranks fifth.
About MidAmerican Energy
MidAmerican Energy, headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa, serves 804,000 electric customers in Iowa, Illinois and South Dakota, and 781,000 natural gas customers in Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska and South Dakota. Information about MidAmerican is available at and company social media channels.