Commercial New Construction
Program available in:

The best way to make your facility energy efficient is to design it that way from the start. MidAmerican's Commercial New Construction (CNC) program for commercial and multifamily buildings gives you complimentary energy design assistance and financial incentives to help make implementing energy-efficient strategies more affordable. The Commercial New Construction program offers four different service levels tailored to serve a variety of projects and energy efficiency goals. Each of these four services provides a construction rebate paid to the building owner based on the annual electric and/or gas savings modeled and verified after installation.
Streamlined service
Streamlined service provides time-sensitive energy efficiency consulting through an online tool for simpler projects. By answering a series of questions, the online tool guides the user through a selection of energy efficiency strategies and qualifies the project for energy efficiency incentives. This service provides a design team rebate to offset the design team members’ expenses associated with program participation. Building types over 3,000 square feet are eligible for this service (subject to building type limitations). Sign up for an account in the Streamlined CNC Tool to start your application.
Streamlined service provides time-sensitive energy efficiency consulting through an online tool for simpler projects. By answering a series of questions, the online tool guides the user through a selection of energy efficiency strategies and qualifies the project for energy efficiency incentives. This service provides a design team rebate to offset the design team members’ expenses associated with program participation. Building types over 3,000 square feet are eligible for this service (subject to building type limitations). Sign up for an account in the Streamlined CNC Tool to start your application.
Standard service provides consultant-led, collaborative design meetings using live, interactive energy modeling. This modeling evaluates up to three mechanical systems and dozens of energy efficiency strategies applicable to the building type to qualify the project for energy efficiency incentives. This service provides a design team rebate to offset the design team members’ expenses associated with program participation. Buildings over 5,000 square feet are eligible for this service. Fill out a Commercial New Construction interest form to get started.
Enhanced service is consultant-led and designed for projects with aggressive energy efficiency goals – typically energy savings of 40% or greater compared to energy code. In addition to evaluating up to three mechanical systems and dozens of energy efficiency strategies, the following services are available:
- Daylighting Analysis
- Operational Carbon Analysis and Solar PV Analysis
- Mechanical System Life Cycle Cost Analysis
Multifamily service provides energy efficiency consulting to identify cost-effective energy efficiency strategies to improve your bottom line and increase tenant satisfaction. Low-income multifamily projects are eligible for a 50% bonus incentive to the construction rebate. This service provides a design team rebate to offset the design team members’ expenses associated with program participation. Buildings over 5,000 square feet are eligible for this service. Sign up for an account in the Streamlined CNC Tool to start your application.
Keep in mind
To qualify, your new commercial or multifamily project must be:
- New construction, an addition or a major renovation that includes heating and cooling replacement
- Early enough in the design process to implement energy analysis results
- Heated and/or cooled by MidAmerican in Iowa or Illinois
Success spotlight
Des Moines University (DMU) received nearly $1.2 million in construction rebates after participating in our Commercial New Construction program. The university took multiple energy-efficient measures in their new West Des Moines campus, such as installing lighting that uses 50% less energy and a ventilation system that automatically adjusts based on occupancy. Learn more about DMU's new energy-efficient campus.