Service Connection / Contractor Services

If you are you planning to install new equipment such as a pool, EV charger or solar panels, please notify MidAmerican of any work that might require a service upgrade on your property as soon as possible so we can plan for your project as we navigate supply chain delays. Call 888-427-5632 to let us know about an upcoming project.
If you’re building a new home or property, or if you’re updating the electric or gas service to your existing property, we will need to install and activate your new service. Requesting this installation service is generally performed by the professionals building or updating the property, as the process requires detailed specifications about your power and gas needs.
To schedule service connections for a new site, complete and submit an online application for electric or natural gas service. If the city where the work is being performed is not listed, contact the work center in your area.
Read our meter location guidelines and additional safety information, like our approved meter socket list, in our contractor resources section. If you have questions regarding adverse construction conditions charges or need assistance, contact us at 888-427-5632.
Base installation costs for electric and gas facilities assume installation under normal weather, soil and site conditions. If installation is required under adverse conditions such as snow, freezing rain, ground frost, extreme cold or unusually muddy or rugged terrain, additional charges will apply. Service connections completed between November 15 of the current year and March 15 of the following year may be subject to additional charges based on existing conditions at the time of installation.
Line extension refunds
We offer contractors refunds to cover the construction cost of a primary service extension. For the purposes of these refunds, a new customer is only considered to have attached to a line extension if the electric or natural gas service connection is attached directly to a point on the extension. Further extensions of the existing extension do not qualify for refunds.
Contribution in aid of construction
If you are building in our service territory in an area in which we do not already have power line infrastructure in place, you may be required to make a payment to contribute to our costs to construct the necessary infrastructure to provide service to your property that goes beyond the expected revenue from providing energy services to the building. If you know when you begin the application process that no other customers will be connected to the primary line extension within 10 years of its construction, this contribution in aid of construction is nonrefundable, even if additional customers do proceed to connect to the line extension. The surcharge for contributions, which is added to the construction cost after all revenue credits have been applied, is 21.07 percent for electric and 21.07 percent for natural gas.
Advance for construction refund
If you are building in our service territory in an area in which we do not already have power line infrastructure in place, but there is a possibility that other customers may attach to the primary line extension within 10 years of its construction, you may be entitled to refunds on the advance payment you provide us to cover costs of extending the service line. The surcharge for contributions, which is added to the construction cost after all revenue credits have been applied, is 21.07% for electric and 21.07% for natural gas.
Over a 10-year period after we construct the primary line extension, we will perform annual evaluations based on any new revenue we have gained from all customers attached to the line extension. We will then refund you an amount equal to three times the estimated base revenue of each additional attaching customer (minus fuel cost and energy efficiency), up to the amount equal to your original deposit, including the 21.07% surcharge.
If you have questions about these policies, please contact us at 888-427-5632.